Welfare work undermined: RSPCA

24 Jul, 2014 04:00 AM


RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.
I don’t think there’s any doubt – the waters have been muddied between welfare and rights
RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.

Campaigns confusing community

ANIMAL rights activists are harming the hard-earned reputation of the RSPCA by clouding community perception, says the organisation’s NSW chief executive officer Steve Coleman.

“What the RSPCA stands for has absolutely been muddied by the efforts of other organisations that have a different agenda,” he said.

Mr Coleman’s comments come hot on the heels of the NSW Farmers’ push to remove the organisation’s policing powers (administered under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act), with its delegates claiming to have lost faith in its ability to carry out welfare compliance without being swayed by activists or to suit its branding.

Mr Coleman was angered by the NSW Farmers’ decision.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt – the waters have been muddied between welfare and rights,” he said.

Mr Coleman laid part of the blame on extreme animal rights activists. As far as RSPCA was aware, the group had been working effectively and co-operatively to date with farmers, he said.

Farmers losing trust

“We’ve been invited to all sorts of things with NSW Farmers – we’re the first to say that farmers, by and large, have (animal) welfare as a major priority in their businesses.

“We’re the first to publicly support the vast majority of the farming community, who do the right thing.”

Chair of the NSW Farmers sheep advisory committee James Jackson moved the motion for the RSPCA’s constable status to be removed in regards to commercial livestock. He said the RSPCA was using its brand to drive an agenda.

“This is an organisation that’s moving seriously towards the dark side,” he said.

“They think they hold a complete monopoly in terms of welfare issues and that’s not the case. Farmers have got a legitimate role in this space – we’re the champions of best practice of animal health here.”

He said the RSPCA had the right to advocate an agenda, but shouldn’t be able to prosecute that agenda on the community.

Mr Coleman said the motion (which was supported) was “just disappointing”. The RSPCA receives thousands of complaints each year, he said, and only 1 per cent of those are taken to court: “and of that 1pc the vast majority of those are companion animal-related or are hobby farmers”.

“Anyone can have a look at our policy and our position, it is absolutely not anti-farmer or anti-meat eating,” he said.

Mr Coleman challenged NSW Farmers to “show us the numbers where we’ve been over the top with prosecution” or to demonstrate where the group had taken an action that had been thrown out of court due to insufficient evidence – “and that’s never happened”.

NSW Farmers chief executive officer Matt Brand said the association looked forward to working with the RSPCA on the issue.

“Both the RSPCA and NSW Farmers have important roles to play in ensuring our animals are humanely treated and well cared for and it is important that our dialogue continues with them,” he said.

During the conference Mr Jackson said the RSPCA had repositioned itself as a brand in the community, with a growing focus on endorsing products as being RSPCA-approved.

“Their brand is reinforced by the fact they’ve got this special constable status,” he said.

Mr Coleman was aware of criticism of the RSPCA’s approved farming scheme as a profit-generating exercise, but said the facts did not support this.

“That business program itself costs our organisation, we don’t make any money out of that – but what we manage to do, at a cost to our organisation, is bring about a higher animal welfare standard for millions of animals,” he said.

Activists’ agenda questioned

Recent campaigns by activist groups such as the PETA anti-shearing campaign had undermined the RSPCA’s welfare work, Mr Coleman said.

It was understandable, he said, that people would be upset by the kind of footage released to the media by PETA purportedly showing Australian shearers mistreating sheep.

“We agree, it’s disgraceful – (but) the challenge always is: how is the RSPCA supposed to deal with that?”

While PETA made a formal complaint to the RSPCA regarding the footage, Mr Coleman said no extra detail was provided that could assist an effective prosecution.

“We have nothing more than what the public has seen.”

He questioned PETA’s motives in withholding the “evidence” for so long, and then releasing the footage first to the media and second to the regulator.

“The other concern – despite the disgraceful acts depicted in the video – if an individual or an organisation was serious about bringing to the court’s attention alleged illegal activity then you certainly wouldn’t wait months before you brought that to the notice of the regulator.”

He said Animals Australia had followed a similar pattern of behaviour, “where the information (provided with a complaint) is not as fresh as it could have been”.

“It just dilutes the value or the strength in being able to bring about a balanced and objective – and most importantly a lawful – investigation.

Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson said the NSW government was confident in the enforcement mechanisms already in place in NSW and that existing enforcement agencies had a strong track record in protecting animal welfare in NSW.

“NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Animal Welfare Branch is in constant contact with enforcement agencies, including the RSPCA, regarding animal welfare issues and compliance matters,” she said.

Ms Hodgkinson said prior to their appointment, RSPCA inspectors underwent extensive training and the DPI has run training for inspectors specifically in assessment of livestock.

Live ex still a stumbling block

Mr Coleman concurred that the RSPCA’s official stance opposing live export was still a barrier to dialogue with farmers, but said the organisation was always willing to sit down and talk.

“And we will always go in the front door, not the back door.”

He said any form of trespass or emotive campaigns designed to elicit reaction rather than positive outcomes were detrimental to the welfare cause.

“The elephant in the room is: what is the objective behind these sorts of activities? Is it really about prosecution? Is it really about bringing about some sort of justice for alleged cruel behaviour towards animals, or is it an attempt to change the hearts and minds of the public about that particular industry?

“(And) the bigger frustration for us is the confusion that is either accidentally or purposely brought into the argument between animal welfare and animal rights.”

Taking powers away from the RSPCA could open the doors to more extreme groups, he warned.

“If ever you wanted to increase the level of activism, get rid of the RSPCA.”



24/07/2014 6:48:08 AM

All I know is that if you enter a farm (no matter if your going to film or thieve) people will now have a way of trespassing by having a camera and if caught they can say,. they thought there were animal welfare issues there and so they were entering the premises just to film that.(yet were there for the intention of theft.


24/07/2014 7:38:25 AM

Steve, if you wish to salvage the RSPCA’s rep and gain more cred, this is what I believe you need to do. 1- purge your organisation of extreme activists. 2 – Drop this ridiculous opposition to livex, and work with industry to achieve acceptable welfare standards. 3 – Get heavily involved with REAL issues, such as the wild dog , fox, and feral pig problems. 4 – Distance yourselves from welfare extremists, who, by their actions are actually utilising animal suffering to advance their causes. 5 – TELL THE BLOODY TRUTH!


24/07/2014 8:21:18 AM

Sounds like the RSPCA’s policy on live export is up for negotiation? Better clarify that with your supporters Steve so they can direct their support to orgsanisations that actually care about animals.


24/07/2014 8:26:16 AM

Just FYI Steve … the A in RSPCA stands for ANIMALS. Might help you going forward.


24/07/2014 8:26:50 AM

The RSPCA has failed to move with the times. And so have animal farmers. The public no longer tolerate the cruelty that farmers see as necessary or everyday. Unless animal farmers move with their customer base then they will find their product no longer in demand, and their standing in the community diminished. This has nothing to do with city v country; animal rights is a burgeoning social justice movement that will only overrun farmers who choose to resist. Like slavery, apartheid, democracy, indigenous rights….it’s best not to be on the wrong side of history.

Paul Cox

24/07/2014 8:27:09 AM

Perhaps if the RSPCA stopped running campaigns with Animals Australia, sharing resources, press officers & thought through issues before issuing things like the 2012 cattle industry position paper they may be taken with more trust. If they do not make money from their accreditation programmes why do they refuse to release the financials of them? Coles refuses to give details as does the RSPCA. Look at some of the social media accounts of RSPCA staff and you will soon see where the sympathies of many of them lie. So many of them have an anti farming bias it taints the entire organisation.


24/07/2014 8:56:21 AM

Over recent years the RSPCA has unfortunately aligned itself much too closely to animal RIGHTS organisations. I have always been a strong advocate for animal WELFARE and I thought this is what the RSPCA was all about. Unfortunately getting into bed with the likes of Animals Australia etc on a couple of issues has muddied the waters and has made me question my unwaivering support. By the messaging of Mr Coleman in a few articles recently, I think the RSPCA is starting to realise the damage that has been done. I hope they take a step back towards the middle sooner rather than later.

Jo Bloomfield

24/07/2014 9:13:05 AM

RSPCA must cut all ties with Animals Australia to even start to gain credibility. They were involved with dialogue in regards to Live export and still are but when they say one thing behind closed doors but then publically state they are against live export they are simply illustrating the fact they are a puppet of the animal rights groups and not a leader. Australian Animal Welfare standards are a mess, these should have been standardised long ago, but weren’t due to rediculous animal rights wording, RSPCA do not support practical, affordable or effective views on animal welfare.


24/07/2014 9:18:50 AM

Why does Mr Coleman care what the Farmers Federation think? Does Mr Coleman fell part of his job description is to keep the farmers happy? Mr Coleman’s comments appears to be a smoke screen to strengthen the pro AgGag agenda and remove focus from the cruelty inherent in the food animal industry. RSPCA stop talking and start prosecuting.


24/07/2014 9:34:39 AM

Steve you are trying to blame others for RSPCA failures. You have the same agenda as them and have been working with them to destroy Australian livestock industries. The sooner our farming organisations stop legitimising you by working with your terrorist group the better. Wake up NSW farmers, all of these groups are out to destroy our industries. Maybe Steve you can wipe your hands of the blood of thousands of cattle that have died because of the live export shut down but farmers that actually care and love our livestock won’t forget the suffering you helped cause.


24/07/2014 9:39:16 AM

AW bleeding heart posters- I suggest you actually READ this article. From Steve’s own mouth it seems that animal abuse by farmers is a VERY small part of his organisations work. Once again, it seems pets and hobby farms are the big issues. I suggest you check facts prior to demonising innocent, hardworking people.


24/07/2014 9:40:38 AM

Again we have non elected RSPCA given the role of animal welfare police. This is a government role and the governments have abdicated this responsibility as well.


24/07/2014 9:42:25 AM

Demanding the RSPCA to change its very accommodating policy on livex looks selfish and thuggish. Demanding an animal welfare organisation to give the green light on something which is demonstrably bad practice in terms of animal welfare! The moment the RSPCA even hints at doing that, is the moment the frustration in the community about this sick trade will really boil over. Makka, you have very adequately shown how out of touch some farmers are. The clincher is your mixed up ‘welfare extremists’ term. This is all about the truth, no longer is it acceptable to keep it hidden.


24/07/2014 9:50:44 AM

Sharon I am saddened that you believe the lies the these anti farming groups are peddling. I am also sad that agriculture has lost a customer. When are you going to stop purchasing all products produced by agriculture? I hope you can grow all your own food and fibre.


24/07/2014 9:57:25 AM

I believe strongly in animal welfare and have donated to RSPCA in past. RSPCA is simply no longer an organisation that I support. I simply disagree with their current extremist culture and views. I now support other charities like RFDS.


24/07/2014 10:00:14 AM

Just a note on animal rights – To everyone (except the children of the left) with rights, comes responsibilities ( the children of the left believe the rights are theirs, and the responsibilities are someone else’s) If animals have rights, what are their responsibilities? Are a group of ewes responsible for a orphan lamb in their midst? Can they be charged with assault, if they knock it to the ground?


24/07/2014 10:06:59 AM

It is entirely inappropriate that RSPCA have the power of prosecution on farm issues when they are now one of the largest meat sellers in Australia. Many of the farms now would be producing RSPCA product for supermarkets and there needs to be independent oversight. RSPCA would of course not bring charges against one of their own producers. The Government needs to come up with a better solution.


24/07/2014 10:25:25 AM

RSPCA is a toothless tiger…just another bunch of incompetant bureaucrats..look at the fiasco with the Watervalley prosecution and if you call them to report sheep with legs stuck outside the side of transport trucks they tell you there is nothing they can do. The Animal Welfare League does heaps more for real animal welfare than the RSPCA ever has


24/07/2014 10:29:16 AM

I thought the RSPCA was to Prevent Cruelty to Animals. Not protect farmers.


24/07/2014 10:30:35 AM

Hugh Wurth associated himself with his mate Levy years ago and the RSPCA has since associated with Animals Australia and their like, so don’t whinge now when people recognise your spots and say, there goes another leopard.


24/07/2014 10:31:46 AM

Inverell – are you not just proving Coleman’s point about the confusion? RSPCA didn;t force the shut down (even though they still oppose live ex) – that was Animals Aus etc – welfare vs rights…?


24/07/2014 10:42:11 AM

SW – Can’t you read?


24/07/2014 10:49:54 AM

Em I think you need to read my comment again. I said they helped cause the shut down and they most certainly did.


24/07/2014 11:07:45 AM

My bad then Inverell? I clearly recall the Animals Aus/ABC/Labor campaign and the result, but honestly can’t recall RSPCA’s role – how did they contribute to that scenario? (genuine Q, not trying to be contrary)


24/07/2014 11:23:10 AM

Em see this article and many, many others. http://www.theland.com.au/blogs/c anberra-comment/rspcas-olive-bran ch/2676982.aspx I won’t forget what they did because it cost me equal to 4 years income. It also led to the suffering of thousands of cattle and the suicide of many farmers that couldn’t cope with seeing their stock suffering because of the actions of these anti farming groups.

angry australian

24/07/2014 11:24:12 AM

The comments on this article raise a very important issue that farm lobby groups and farmers should be taking to our politicians.When does a charity stop being just that and becomes a business? While the RSPCA sells its soul to a supermarket chain, runs a pet insurance company and co brands products as well as receiving massive government payments for policing, it shouldn’t be allowed to trade as a charity but should be taxed as a business. The same goes for other charities like green organisations that “certify” timber,fishing or aquaculture, even the church that manufactures breakfast food

jen from the bush

24/07/2014 3:10:12 PM

Wow, what did it take to come to this realisation? Has RSPCA not been getting much put in the till? Sounds like people have voted with their purses. The sooner RSPCA is disbanded the better – just what have they achieved over 20yrs? Cats and dogs are still abandoned – RSPCA alone kills over 70,000 every year. And they then have the hide to comment of LE without any understanding of the necessity of LE in Nth Au.


24/07/2014 5:14:34 PM

Those of us genuinely concerned with animal abuse have for years had absolutely no confidence in the RSPCA at all. Its prosecution rates are abysmal as are its euthanasia rates. Given that it doesn’t give a toss about farm animals, it’s curious that the farmers lobby is even concerned. Let’s not forget that the RSPCA gets money from animal products. Next it will be giving preferred exporters like LSS a ‘pae of approval’. Coleman needs a serous wake-up call out of his complacency.


24/07/2014 5:27:11 PM

RSPCA Do Not respect property rights – they are no better than animals Australia – I once used to give them donations – NEVER AGAIN

Alex Hodges

24/07/2014 6:14:44 PM

The sad fact is that the RSPCA is so underfunded and so undermined by the lack of legislation to counter animal cruelty on factory farms,that it’s no wonder other organisations have to pick up the slack.These ghastly animal “Belsens”only exist because of over-population and the undermining of decent animal husbandry,to maximise profits?!


24/07/2014 6:47:18 PM

My reasons for calling for RSPCA to lose special constable status for all matters – farming and companion animal – is quite different from those of your other readers. Simply, putting criminal prosecution powers in the hands of non-govt agencies is plain wrong, and gives the police an excuse not to pursue criminal acts.. But since Steve is asking for details of any case where RSPCA prosecuted without reasonable evidence: Try the RSPCA v Hannaford prosecution in 2005, the fallout of which I believe is still in the Supreme Court for vexatious prosecution.


24/07/2014 9:49:27 PM

Alex Hodges, the legislation does need fixing, but no way is RSPCA underfunded. RSPCA NSW has made $24mill profit in the past 3 years, and as of their Fy2013 Financials held in $50 mill in spare cash, shares and other investments. That doesn’t count the value of their shelters, vehicles and other ‘productive’ assets.

angry australian

24/07/2014 10:34:52 PM

Alex Hodges keep telling fairy tales like that your nose will grow bigger than Pinocchio’s. The RSPCA built a palace on the corner of Burwood Highway and Middleborough Rd, Burwood Vic that BHP would be proud to be hq’d in, money patently isn’t an issue! Don’t try and defend the indefensible they have lost the respect of the broader Australian community doing deals with extremists.


24/07/2014 10:41:56 PM

The RSPCA has been infiltrated by do-gooders and vegans who are trying to impose their veiws alone on the organisation. This is starting to backfire like the green and union movement infiltration of the true “old lobour” party is doing. The RSPCA organisation should have distanced themselves from PETA radicle policies long ago.


25/07/2014 3:05:26 AM

Dear oh dear the farmers are rattled. Cruelty is cruelty whether the film is recent or archive. It is time that farm animals in Australia are acknowledged as sentient, and that abhorrent practices – live export for one, are banned.


25/07/2014 7:11:28 AM

Bleeding hearts- READ THE ARTICLE – or is it that your hatred for farmers is just burning your souls?

Should the RSPCA keep their on-farm policing powers?
YES – an effective regulator


NO – leave it to police


UNSURE – issue is clouded


Total Votes: 199
Poll Date: 21 July, 2014
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